Canva Template Editing Instructions for customers
Canva Template Editing Instructions for customers
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This template will help you to easily share your editable templates with your customers.Â
You can customize it to fit your own branding, add your logo and your template link to the file. Download it as a PDF and upload to your online shop. This is the file your customers will be getting that allows them to access their template automatically.
What you will receive:
- a PDF with a link to your template which is editable in Canva.
We provide 1 Canva template (10 pages) in US letter size.
The PLR license allows you to rebrand, edit, and sell the products as your own, giving you the flexibility to use them in a variety of ways.
This template CANNOT, however, be resold as a PLR template that competes with this product.
+ This is a DIGITAL PRODUCT which means NO physical item will be shipped to you.
+ These templates are for use in Canva (You don’t need a PRO account!)
+ Due to the digital nature of this product, ALL SALES ARE FINAL. This means, requests for refunds or exchanges cannot be accepted so please consider the product carefully before placing an order. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you have.
Once you’ve purchased the item, you will automatically be sent a download link to the above PDF files.
This product is subject to © COPYRIGHT and is the intellectual property of PURPOSE PLR. By purchasing this template you are agreeing to our terms and understand what you are purchasing.Â